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R-GENE® 10 Clinical Pharmacology

(arginine HCl)


Intravenous infusion of R-Gene 10 often induces a pronounced rise in the plasma level of human growth hormone (HGH) in subjects with intact pituitary function. This rise is usually diminished or absent in patients with impairment of this function.

Expected Plasma Levels of HGH in ng/mL
PatientControl RangeRange of Peak Response to Arginine








These ranges are based on the mean values of plasma HGH levels calculated from the data of several clinical investigators and reflect their experiences with various methods of radioimmunoassay. Upon gaining experience with this diagnostic test, each clinician will establish his/her own ranges for control and peak levels of HGH.

L-arginine is a normal metabolite in animals and man and has a low order of toxicity.

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Clinical Pharmacology


Intravenous infusion of R-Gene 10 often induces a pronounced rise in the plasma level of human growth hormone (HGH) in subjects with intact pituitary function. This rise is usually diminished or absent in patients with impairment of this function.

Expected Plasma Levels of HGH in ng/mL
PatientControl RangeRange of Peak Response to Arginine








These ranges are based on the mean values of plasma HGH levels calculated from the data of several clinical investigators and reflect their experiences with various methods of radioimmunoassay. Upon gaining experience with this diagnostic test, each clinician will establish his/her own ranges for control and peak levels of HGH.

L-arginine is a normal metabolite in animals and man and has a low order of toxicity.


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